Miami quatre-Un

Country:                                         France  

Manufacturer:                              Miami; Paris

Year:                                                1955        

Valves / Tubes                               5: ECH42 EF41 EBC41 EL41 EM34 EZ81

Main principle                              Super-Heterodyne (Super in general); ZF/IF 455 kHz;

Tuned circuits                              

Wave bands                                    Broadcast, Long Wave and 2 x Short Wave.

Power type and voltage             Alternating Current supply (AC) / 115-245 Volt

Loudspeaker                                  Electro-Dynamic Loudspeaker

Material                                          Wooden case

Shape                                                Tablemodel, Mantel/Midget/Compact up to 14″ width

Dimensions (WHD)                     320 x 200 x 170 mm

Notes                                                4 wave bands: SW from 6 to 18.4 Mc, MW from 520 to 1620 Kc, LW from 155 to 325 Kc,

                                                           and BE (spread band) from 5.84 to 6.4 Mc (49 mEtres).

Weight (2.2 lb = 1 kg)